不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。This is the official journal of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. It provides a leading forum for disseminating significant original research results in the foundations, theory, development, analysis, and applications of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. Coverage in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems includes, but is not limited to:Agent decision-making architectures and their evaluation, including: cognitive models; knowledge representation; logics for agency; ontological reasoning; planning (single and multi-agent); reasoning (single and multi-agent)Cooperation and teamwork, including: distributed problem solving; human-robot/agent interaction; multi-user/multi-virtual-agent interaction; coalition formation; coordinationAgent communication languages, including: their semantics, pragmatics, and implementation; agent communication protocols and conversations; agent commitments; speech act theoryOntologies for agent systems, agents and the semantic web, agents and semantic web services, Grid-based systems, and service-oriented computingAgent societies and societal issues, including: artificial social systems; environments, organizations and institutions; ethical and legal issues; privacy, safety and security; trust, reliability and reputationAgent-based system development, including: agent development techniques, tools and environments; agent programming languages; agent specification or validation languagesAgent-based simulation, including: emergent behavior; participatory simulation; simulation techniques, tools and environments; social simulationAgreement technologies, including: argumentation; collective decision making; judgment aggregation and belief merging; negotiation; normsEconomic paradigms, including: auction and mechanism design; bargaining and negotiation; economically-motivated agents; game theory (cooperative and non-cooperative); social choice and votingLearning agents, including: computational architectures for learning agents; evolution, adaptation; multi-agent learning.Robotic agents, including: integrated perception, cognition, and action; cognitive robotics; robot planning (including action and motion planning); multi-robot systems.Virtual agents, including: agents in games and virtual environments; companion and coaching agents; modeling personality, emotions; multimodal interaction; verbal and non-verbal expressivenessSignificant, novel applications of agent technologyComprehensive reviews and authoritative tutorials of research and practice in agent systemsComprehensive and authoritative reviews of books dealing with agents and multi-agent systems.