不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN) is a JCR ranked, peer-reviewed, open access journal that focuses on applied research and applications of sensor networks. A large number of important applications depend on sensor networks interfacing with the real world. These applications include medical, healthcare, military, manufacturing, transportation, safety and environmental planning systems. Many have been difficult to realize because of problems involved with inputting data from sensors directly into automated systems.This journal also acts as a medium for exchanging the latest ideas and breakthroughs about impacts of sensor networks research. More importantly the goal of this journal is to provide a forum for the publication of important research contributions in developing high performance computing solutions to problems arising from the complexities of these sensor network systems. Articles highlight advances in uses of sensor network systems for solving computational tasks in medical, manufacturing, engineering and environmental systems.All submitted articles considered suitable for IJDSN are subjected to rigorous peer review to ensure the highest levels of quality. The review process is carried out as quickly as possible to minimise any delays in the online publication of articles.The topics of interest include but are not limited to:Architecture, Algorithms and Complexity IssuesSensor Network Tasking and Self-OrganizationInformation Fusion Methods and Architectures for Sensor NetworksDetection / Classification MethodsDistributed Sensor Networks - Networking / Caching IssuesManaging Resource ConstraintsIn-Network Query Processing and Data StorageLearning Patterns from Sensor SourcesLocalization and Synchronization in Sensor NetworksProtocols and Communication Systems for Sensor NetworksEfficient Device-to-Cloud Integration for Scalable Sensor and Actuator NetworksEdge Computing for Scalable Sensor and Actuator NetworksMobility and Task CoordinationCooperative Signal Algorithms for Sensor NetworksPerformance Evaluation of Sensor NetworksTheoretical Bounds and Optimization of Sensor NetworksUnderwater and Underground Sensor NetworksApplications in Industry 4.0, Biology, Manufacturing, Medical Science, and EngineeringSensor Networks for Internet of Things (IoT)Practical implementations in agriculture, forest and rural areas.Energy harvesting (charging/consumption models, tailored lightweight protocols etc.)