不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The articles in TrAC are concise, critical overviews of new developments in analytical chemistry, which are aimed at helping analytical chemists and other users of analytical techniques. These critical reviews comprise excellent, up-to-date, timely coverage of topics of interest in analytical chemistry, such as: analytical instrumentation, biomedical analysis, biomolecular analysis, biosensors, chemical analysis, chemometrics, clinical chemistry, drug discovery, environmental analysis and monitoring, food analysis, forensic science, laboratory automation, materials science, metabolomics, pesticide-residue analysis, pharmaceutical analysis, proteomics, surface science, and water analysis and monitoring.General issues contain critical review articles. Special Issues provide comprehensive updates with critical review articles on particularly topical fields of interest in analytical chemistry.Please note that most articles published in the journal are by invitation of one of the Editors. If you wish to submit a review to TrAC and have not been invited by one of the Editors, please first submit a short proposal using the standard review proposal template directly to the Elsevier EVISE System.Please indicate which of the listed Contributing Editor(s) of TrAC you feel is best suited to review your proposal (please list a maximum of 3 in order of preference). All reviews should be submitted via the Elsevier EVISE System and will be subject to the normal peer review process. If you wish to submit a proposal for a Special Issue, please submit first a short proposal using the standard Special Issue template directly to the journal (trac.ees@elsevier.com) and include the listed Contributing Editor(s) of TrAC you feel is best suited to support your proposal.PLEASE NOTE: TrAC will not accept any submissions that have not had either an approved proposal or invitation to submit from an Editor.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
TRAC中的文章是对分析化学新发展的简明、批判性概述,旨在帮助分析化学家和分析技术的其他用户。这些关键审查包括出色、最新、及时地涵盖分析化学方面的相关专题,例如:分析仪器、生物医学分析、生物分子分析、生物传感器、化学分析、化学计量学、临床化学、药物发现、环境分析和监测;食品分析,法医学,实验室自动化,材料科学,代谢组学,农药残留分析,药物分析,蛋白质组学,表面科学,以及水的分析和监测。一般性问题包含重要的评论文章。特别议题提供全面的最新评论文章,特别是对分析化学感兴趣的专题领域。请注意,杂志上发表的大多数文章都是受其中一位编辑的邀请。如果您希望向TRAC提交一份审查报告,但没有收到其中一位编辑的邀请,请首先使用标准审查建议书模板直接向Elsevier Evise系统提交一份简短的建议书。请指出您认为最适合审查您的提案的Trac的列出的特约编辑中的哪一个(请按优先顺序列出最多3个)。所有评审应通过Elsevier Evise系统提交,并应遵循正常的同行评审流程。如果您希望提交一份特别发行的提案,请首先使用标准特别发行模板直接向期刊(trac.ees@elsevier.com)提交一份简短提案,并包括您认为最适合支持您的提案的列出的特约编辑。请注意:TRAC将不接受任何未经批准的提案或编辑邀请提交的提案。对作者的好处我们还提供许多作者福利,例如免费的PDF、自由的版权政策、爱思唯尔出版物的特别折扣等等。有关作者服务的详细信息,请单击此处。有关文章提交的信息,请参阅我们的作者指南。如果您需要更多信息或帮助,请访问我们的支持中心。