不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。Thermochimica Acta publishes original research contributions covering all aspects of thermoanalytical and calorimetric methods and their application to experimental chemistry, physics, biology and engineering. The journal aims to span the whole range from fundamental research to practical application.The journal focuses on the research that advances physical and analytical science of thermal phenomena. Therefore, the manuscripts are expected to provide important insights into the thermal phenomena studied or to propose significant improvements of analytical or computational techniques employed in thermal studies. Manuscripts that report the results of routine thermal measurements are not suitable for publication in Thermochimica Acta.The journal particularly welcomes papers from newly emerging areas as well as from the traditional strength areas:- New and improved instrumentation and methods- Thermal properties and behavior of materials- Kinetics of thermally stimulated processesEach paper submitted for publication should clearly present: a) Scientific motivation (i.e., why this study is of interest); b) Relevance to the stated scope of Thermochimica Acta (i.e., why thermal methods play a crucial role in the study, or why this study is important for the use and development of thermal methods); c) General significance of the obtained results (i.e., how this study contributes to the advancement of knowledge in the general area of the study). Note that novelty of a study does not necessarily imply general significance of the results.Manuscripts reporting results of kinetic studies are expected to follow the ICTAC Kinetics Committee recommendations for collecting kinetic data (Thermochim. Acta 590 (2014) 1-23, and for performing kinetic computations (Thermochim. Acta 520 (2011) 1-19).The journal publishes regular full-length articles, short communications (either novel, unexpected theoretical or experimental results or short reports of collections of new data), and reviews (usually invited by an Editor, but proposals from authors are welcome).
出版了原始的研究贡献,涵盖所有方面的热分析和量热法及其应用于实验化学,物理,生物学和工程。该杂志的目标是跨越从基础研究到实际应用的整个范围。该杂志的重点研究,促进物理和分析科学的热现象。因此,预期这些手稿将对所研究的热现象提供重要的见解,或对热研究中使用的分析或计算技术提出重大改进。报告常规热测量结果的手稿不适合在《热嵌合学报》上发表。该杂志特别欢迎来自新兴领域和传统优势领域的论文:-新的和改进的仪器和方法-材料的热性能和行为-热刺激过程动力学每一份提交出版的文件均须清楚列明:a)科学动机(即,为什么这项研究值得关注);b)与规定的热嵌合行为范围(即,为何热方法在本研究中扮演重要角色,或为何本研究对热方法的使用和发展具有重要意义);c)所得结果的一般意义(即,以及本研究如何促进本研究一般范畴的知识进步)。注意,一项研究的新颖性并不一定意味着其结果具有普遍意义。报告动力学研究结果的手稿预计将遵循ICTAC动力学委员会收集动力学数据的建议(Thermochim)。Acta 590(2014) 1-23,用于进行动力学计算(Thermochim)。Acta 520(2011) 1-19。该杂志定期发表长篇文章、简短的交流(要么是新颖的、出人意料的理论或实验结果,要么是收集新数据的简短报告)和评论(通常由编辑邀请,但欢迎作者提出建议)。