不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (RBCS) is a journal that publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts, edited by the Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo (SBCS). The RBCS aims to disseminate original and relevant contributions in different areas of Soil Science.The publications are organized in Scientific Divisions and Commissions, in accordance with those adopted by the SBCS and the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS).The journal management is performed by the Editorial Board, which is composed by the Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor, Technical Editor, Associate Editors, and Area Editors.The submitted manuscripts are forwarded to technical pre-screening, which is conducted by the technical editor. In this stage, a general check is performed to ensure that the manuscript: i) is complete (i.e. title page, cover letter, main document, figures, and tables); ii) complies with instructions provided in the Guide for Authors; iii) is within of journal scope; and iv) is original, which means that the manuscript will be checked by an originality detection service – Crossref Similarity Check. Submitted papers not meeting these requirements will be returned to the authors who may re-submit their paper after corrections.A manuscript with accepted submission is assigned to one of the Area Editors (AreaEd). The Area Editors may endorse or not the manuscript suitability to the journal scope and, additionality, he/she examines, in a general way, if the manuscript contributes with new knowledge to the Soil Science.If the AreaEd considers the manuscript suitable, he/she will forward the manuscript to the Associate Editor (AE). The AE assesses if the specific scientific merit is attended, and then it will be sent to, at least, three ad hoc reviewers with appropriate knowledge, skills, methodological expertise, and experience to assess the manuscript. Based on the comments of, at least, two reviewers and on its own experience,, the AE recommends if the manuscript should be rejected, accepted, or needs revision before acceptance for publication. This decision will be endorsed or not by the AreaEd. The final decision is taken by the Editor-in-Chief, based on AE and AreaEd recommendations. Manuscripts, whose processing were interrupted by the AreaEd and AE, will also be forwarded to Editor-in-Chief gives the final decision. Other attributions under Editor-in-Chief responsibility are: to coordinate activities developed by AreaEd, AE, and reviewers; and keep a communication channel with the authors.The manuscript processing is conducted without anonymity until reaching the AE, which means that identities are not disclosed only between authors and ad hoc reviewers.After the manuscript is published, all the publication rights are reserved to the RBCS. The manuscripts will be available at the journal website (www.rbcs.org.br) and in online libraries, such as SciELO (www.scielo.br) and Redalyc (www.redalyc.org), or any other database in which RBCS becomes indexed in the future.The RBCS applies the Creative Commons (CC BY) license to published manuscripts. This license allows others to use, reproduce, disseminate, or display the article in any way, including for commercial purposes, so long as they credit the author for the original creation.Authors are responsible for all ideas and information presented in the manuscripts, which may not necessarily reflect the views of the RBCS’s Editors and Editorial Board.
巴西科学杂志(RBCS)是一本出版同行评议手稿的杂志,由巴西科学协会(SBCS)编辑。RBCS旨在传播土壤科学不同领域的原创和相关贡献。这些出版物是按照科学咨询机构和国际土壤科学联盟(IUSS)通过的出版物,在科学部门和委员会中组织的。期刊管理由总编辑、联合编辑、技术编辑、副编辑和区域编辑组成的编辑部负责。提交的稿件由技术编辑进行技术预审。在这一阶段,进行一般检查,以确保稿件:i)完整(即扉页、封面、主要文件、图表和表格);ii)遵守为作者提供的指南中的指示;iii)在期刊范围内;(四)原稿,即原稿将通过原稿检测服务——Crossref相似性检测进行检测。提交的不符合上述要求的论文将退还作者,作者可在修改后重新提交论文。一份提交已被接受的稿件被分配给地区编辑之一(AreaEd)。该地区的编辑可能会认可或不认可该稿件是否适合该期刊的范围,并且,如果该稿件为土壤科学贡献了新知识,他/她会以一般的方式检查该稿件的额外性。如果该地区认为稿件合适,他/她将把稿件转交给副编辑(AE)。AE评估是否出席了特定的科学价值,然后它将被发送到,至少三个具有适当的知识,技能,方法学专业知识和经验的临时审稿人,以评估手稿。根据至少两名审稿人的意见,并根据审稿人自身的经验,美国审计学会建议,在接受稿件发表之前,是否应该拒绝、接受或需要修改。这一决定将得到该地区的支持或不支持。最终决定由总编根据AE和AreaEd的建议做出。稿件,其处理过程中被地区和AE中断,也将转发给总编作出最终决定。总编辑职责下的其他职责包括:协调区域、AE和审稿人开发的活动;与作者保持沟通。稿件的处理是匿名进行的,直到达到AE,这意味着身份不只是在作者和临时审稿人之间披露。书稿出版后,所有出版权利保留给RBCS。这些手稿将在期刊网站(www.rbcs.org.br)和在线图书馆(如SciELO (www.scielo.br)和Redalyc (www.redalyc.org)上提供,或在任何其他数据库中,未来RBCS将被编入索引。RBCS将知识共享(CC BY)许可应用于已出版的手稿。本授权允许其他人以任何方式使用、复制、传播或展示文章,包括用于商业目的,只要他们将原创归功于作者。作者对稿件中所呈现的所有观点和信息负责,而这些观点和信息不一定反映RBCS的编辑和编辑委员会的观点。