不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。Promoting the interests of scientific psychology and its researchers, QJEP, the journal of the Experimental Psychology Society, is a leading journal with a long-standing tradition of publishing cutting-edge research. Several articles have become classic papers in the fields of attention, perception, learning, memory, language, and reasoning. The journal publishes original articles on any topic within the field of experimental psychology (including comparative research). These include substantial experimental reports, review papers, rapid communications (reporting novel techniques or ground breaking results), comments (on articles previously published in QJEP or on issues of general interest to experimental psychologists), and book reviews. Experimental results are welcomed from all relevant techniques, including behavioural testing, brain imaging and computational modelling.QJEP offers a competitive publication time-scale. Accepted Rapid Communications have priority in the publication cycle and usually appear in print within three months. We aim to publish all accepted (but uncorrected) articles online within seven days. Our Latest Articles page offers immediate publication of articles upon reaching their final form.The journal offers an open access option called Open Select, enabling authors to meet funder requirements to make their article free to read online for all in perpetuity. Authors also benefit from a broad and diverse subscription base that delivers the journal contents to a world-wide readership. Together these features ensure that the journal offers authors the opportunity to raise the visibility of their work to a global audience.Peer Review: All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
为促进科学心理学及其研究人员的兴趣,实验心理学学会的期刊《QJEP》是一本具有长期出版前沿研究传统的领先期刊。几篇文章已成为注意力、知觉、学习、记忆、语言和推理领域的经典论文。该杂志发表关于实验心理学(包括比较研究)领域的任何主题的原创文章。这些包括大量的实验报告、评论文章、快速交流(报告新技术或突破性的结果)、评论(对以前发表在QJEP上的文章或对实验心理学家普遍感兴趣的问题的评论)和书评。实验结果欢迎所有相关技术,包括行为测试,脑成像和计算模型。QJEP提供了具有竞争力的出版时间尺度。公认的快速通讯在出版周期中具有优先地位,通常在3个月内出版。我们的目标是在7天内在网上发布所有被接受(但未更正)的文章。我们的最新文章页面提供了文章到达最终形式后的即时发布。《华尔街日报》提供了一个名为open Select的开放获取选项,使作者能够满足资助者的要求,让他们的文章永远免费在线阅读。作者还受益于广泛和多样化的订阅基础,为全球读者提供期刊内容。这些特点共同确保了该杂志为作者提供了一个机会,以提高他们的工作对全球观众的可见性。同行评审:所有提交的稿件都要经过编辑的初步评审,如果发现适合进一步审议,则由独立的、匿名的专家评审。所有的同行评审都是单盲的,通过ScholarOne手稿在线提交。