不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The journal Organic Process Research & Development serves as a communication tool between industrial chemists and chemists working in universities and research institutes. As such, it reports original work from the broad field of industrial process chemistry but also presents academic results that are relevant, or potentially relevant, to industrial applications. Process chemistry is the science that enables the safe, environmentally benign and ultimately economical manufacturing of organic compounds that are required in larger amounts to help address the needs of society. Consequently, the Journal encompasses every aspect of organic chemistry, including all aspects of catalysis, synthetic methodology development and synthetic strategy exploration, but also includes aspects from analytical and solid-state chemistry and chemical engineering, such as work-up tools,process safety, or flow-chemistry. The goal of development and optimization of chemical reactions and processes is their transfer to a larger scale; original work describing such studies and the actual implementation on scale is highly relevant to the journal. However, studies on new developments from either industry, research institutes or academia that have not yet been demonstrated on scale, but where an industrial utility can be expected and where the study has addressed important prerequisites for a scale-up and has given confidence into the reliability and practicality of the chemistry, also serve the mission of OPR&D as a communication tool between the different contributors to the field.The Journal aims to cover R&D from and for the fine organic chemicals and specialty chemicals industries, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, electronic chemicals, flavors and fragrances, intermediates, food additives, and specialty polymers, with work from commodity chemicals, petrochemicals, and polymers being appropriate as well.Several types of manuscripts are admissible: Full Papers describe original work that has not been previously published and that is not for consideration for publication elsewhere. The experimental section of a Full Paper describing the work performed on a preparative scale is a valuable asset of the journal and should be included whenever possible. A Communication focuses on a specific topic of high relevance, e.g. by presenting a new reaction and its development to a preparative usefulness. Any content that has been made publicly available, either in print or electronic format, and that contains a significant amount of the information presented in the manuscript, jeopardizes the originality of the work and may thus preclude publication. Manuscript topics for which an industrial patent application has been published are an exception to this rule, as patents serve primarily legal and business purposes in contrast to the scientific communication of the Journal.The Journal also welcomes reviews that cover a topic of general importance for the field of process research. These may be limited to the work of the author or be more comprehensive of the field. Additionally, the scientific framework for developments in the industries is covered by the Journal by providing perspectives and trends on important developments for the field of process research. Given the industrial relevance, topics dealing with the legal environment of the industry, such as regulatory requirements and environmental regulations, or safety considerations, are especially suitable. Highlights from the Literature and Highlights from the Patents will continue to be published as a service to our readers.In summary, Organic Process Research & Development serves the community interested in the practical application of organic chemistry, both in industry and academia, by publishing original scientific work, reviews on relevant topics, as well as highlights pertinent to our readers.