不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) is an online journal published twice monthly and owned by the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB). Unredacted accepted manuscripts are freely accessible immediately through MBoC In Press. Final published versions are freely accessible two months after publication at www.molbiolcell.org. MBoC is also available online through PubMed Central, sponsored by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Access earlier than two months is available through subscription or membership in the ASCB.Scope of MBoCMBoC publishes research articles and essays that report the results of original research and present conceptual advances of broad interest and significance within all areas of cell biology, genetics, and developmental biology. Manuscript submissions whose scope bridges several areas of cell and developmental biology are particularly encouraged. MBoC publishes articles that describe substantial research progress in full. Therefore, authors should include with their manuscript submissions all previously unpublished data and methods essential to support the conclusions drawn. MBoC does not, in general, publish articles that are narrow in scope and better suited to more specialized journals, merely confirmatory or preliminary reports of partially completed or incompletely documented research, findings of as yet uncertain significance, or reports that simply document well-known processes in organisms or cell types not previously studied. Submissions that report new methodologies will be considered only when a new result of biological significance has been achieved or when introduction of the method will significantly accelerate progress within a field.Note that MBoC places a premium on research articles that present conceptual advances of wide interest or deep mechanistic understanding of important CELLULAR processes. As such, articles dealing principally with describing behavior or modification of specific transcription factors, or analysis of the promoter elements through which they interact, will not generally be considered unless accompanied by information supporting in vivo relevance or broad significance.
细胞分子生物学(MBoC)是由美国细胞生物学学会(ASCB)主办的网络期刊,每月出版两次。未经编辑的已接受稿件可通过MBoC出版社立即免费获得。最终出版版本在www.molbiolcell.org上发布两个月后即可免费访问。MBoC也可以通过PubMed Central在线获得,该网站由美国国家医学图书馆赞助。可以通过订阅或成为ASCB的成员在两个月之前访问。MBoC范围MBoC出版研究文章和论文,报告原始研究的结果,并在细胞生物学、遗传学和发育生物学的所有领域内,提出具有广泛兴趣和意义的概念进展。特别鼓励提交涉及细胞和发育生物学若干领域的论文。MBoC发表的文章全面描述了重大的研究进展。因此,作者应在提交的稿件中包括所有以前未发表的数据和方法,这些数据和方法对支持所得出的结论至关重要。MBoC不,一般而言,发布文章中狭窄的范围和更适合更多的专业期刊,只是确认或部分完成或不完全记录研究的初步报告,结果还不确定的意义,或者报告,简单文档知名过程生物体或细胞类型而不是以前的研究。只有在取得了具有生物学意义的新结果,或采用新方法将大大加快某一领域的进展时,才会审议提交报告的新方法。值得注意的是,MBoC非常重视那些对重要细胞过程具有广泛兴趣或深入机制理解的概念性进展的研究文章。因此,除非有支持体内相关性或广泛意义的信息,否则一般不会考虑主要描述特定转录因子的行为或修饰,或分析它们相互作用的启动子元素的文章。
大类学科 | 分区 | 小类学科 | 分区 | Top期刊 | 综述期刊 |
生物学 | 3区 | CELL BIOLOGY 细胞生物学 | 3区 | 否 | 否 |
JCR分区等级 | JCR所属学科 | 分区 | 影响因子 |
Q3 | CELL BIOLOGY | Q3 | 3.612 |