不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JNST) publishes internationally peer-reviewed papers that contribute to the exchange of research, ideas and developments in the field of nuclear science and technology, to contribute peaceful and sustainable development of the World.First established by the Atomic Energy Society of Japan (AESJ) in 1964, JNST is published bimonthly in print and monthly online. JNST is continued to be organized by, and an official publication of AESJ. The journal is listed in Thomson Scientific’s Science Citation Index (SCI).JNST aims to serve its academic community, industry professionals, research institutions, government agencies and policy-makers concerned with the research, technological development and application of nuclear science and technology by:Providing authoritative and up-to-date information on the field of nuclear science and technologyPromoting the exchange of ideas and research within the nuclear/atomic science communityIdentifying areas of growth by assessing the conditions and constraints affecting the peaceful use of nuclear energySupporting the development of nuclear technology and applications in various markets for peaceful purposesResponding to global energy and environmental needs and objectives through the study of nuclear science, technology and resourcesJNST ’s broad scope covers a wide range of topics within its subject category, including but are not limited to:General Issues related to Nuclear Power Utilization: Philosophy and Ethics, Justice and Policy, International Relation, Economical and Sociological Aspects, Environmental Aspects, Education, Documentation and Database, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Safeguard Radiation, Accelerator and Beam Technologies: Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Reaction for Engineering, Nuclear Data Measurement and Evaluation, Integral Verification/Validation and Benchmark on Nuclear Data, Radiation Behaviors and Shielding, Radiation Physics, Radiation Detection and Measurement, Accelerator and Beam Technology, Synchrotron Radiation, Medical Reactor and Accelerator, Neutron Source, Neutron TechnologyNuclear Reactor Physics: Reactor Physics Experiments, Reactor Neutronics Design and Evaluation, Reactor Analysis, Neutron Transport Calculation, Reactor Dynamics Experiment, Nuclear Criticality Safety, Fuel Burnup and Nuclear Transmutation,Reactor Instrumentation and Control, Human-Machine System: Reactor Instrumentation and Control System, Human Factor, Control Room and Operator Interface Design, Remote Control, Robotics, Image ProcessingThermal Hydraulics: Thermal Hydraulic Experiment and Analysis, Thermal Hydraulic Design, Thermal Hydraulics of Single/Two/Multi Phase Flow, Interactive Phenomena with Fluid, Measurement TechnologyOperational Management of Reactor, Nuclear Safety Engineering: Operational Management, Inspection and Maintenance, Design of Nuclear Power Station and Component, Aseismatic Design, Construction and Examination of Nuclear Power Station, Nuclear Safety Engineering, Nuclear Installation Safety, PSANuclear Materials and Nuclear Fuels: Fabrication/Development and Properties of Nuclear Materials and Fuels, Corrosion and Environmentally Assisted Cracking, Solid State Chemistry of Actinide Compounds as Fuels, Thermodynamics and High Temperature Chemistry of Fuels, Irradiation Behavior and Characteristics of Materials and Fuels, Irradiation Technique and Post-Irradiation ExperimentsReactor Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Fuel Reprocessing, Safeguards Technology: Reactor Chemistry, Radiation Chemistry, Corrosion, Decontamination, Isotope Separation, Application of Isotopes, Uranium Enrichment, Nuclear Chemistry, Radiochemistry, Chemistry of Actinides, Fuel Reprocessing, Group Partitioning, Nuclear Transmutation and Partitioning Process, Accountancy, Safeguards TechnologyRadioactive Waste Management: Radioactive Waste Treatment, Radioactive Waste Disposal and Environment, Decommissioning and Dismantling, Design and Manufacturing of Transportation Vessel and Storage Facility Fusion Energy Engineering : Plasma Engineering including Inertial Confinement Fusion, Fusion Reactor Materials and Fuels, Breeding Materials, Reactor Component Technology, Fusion Neutronics, Fusion Reactor Safety, Fusion Reactor SystemHealth Physics and Environmental Science: Medical and Biological Application of Radiation, Nuclear Medicine, Biological Effects, Radiation and Radioactivity Measurement, Radiation Dosimetry, Radiation Control, Environmental Radioactivity, Radiation Dose and Environmental Safety Assessments, Philosophy and Standards for Radiation Protection