不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The International Journal of Impact Engineering, established in 1983 publishes original research findings related to the response of structures, components and materials subjected to impact, blast and high-rate loading. Areas relevant to the journal encompass the following general topics and those associated with them:Impact and failure of structures and materials under impact and blast loadingSystems for protection and absorption of impact and blast loadingTerminal ballisticsDynamic material behaviour and failureStress wavesStructural crashworthinessHigh-rate mechanical and forming processesImpact, blast and high-rate loading/measurement techniques and their applicationsManuscripts submitted for publication will be subjected to stringent peer review and assessed for their contribution to scientific understanding of phenomena and the response of structures and materials to impact, blast and high-rate loading. Work resulting in fundamental insights that benefit engineering design to accommodate high-rate loading, is relevant to the journal. Well-designed and well-documented experimental studies that advance knowledge in the response of materials and structures subjected to impact, blast and high-rate loading are of relevance and interest. However, they should be accompanied by analysis of the experimental data and appropriate conclusions. The incorporation of analytical modelling and/or numerical simulations to support the experimental findings, will enhance the depth and quality of the research reported and make it more compelling. Manuscripts that focus primarily on mathematics, materials science or computation, with little contribution to the scope of impact dynamics described above, as well as those of a purely descriptive nature lacking in analysis, will be declined. Papers comprising largely parametric studies (e.g. using commercial software), unaccompanied by convincing validation and discussion of implications or applications of results generated, as well as those on novel computational techniques without comparison with established analysis or test data, are also not solicited. Papers that are essentially case studies or descriptions of designs involving impact or blast loading, as well as dynamic testing which generates copious experimental data without in-depth analysis, should seek publication in journals more directly related to those particular areas.Papers in the International Journal of Impact Engineering should generally be of interest to those in the aeronautical, civil, mechanical, materials, naval, nuclear, ocean, offshore, and transportation engineering fields, as well as those in other science and engineering branches that deal with various aspects of impact, blast and high-rate loading.Companion papers Authors should submit manuscripts that can be reviewed on their own, without assuming that related earlier or subsequent submissions will be published and available for reference. Authors of companion papers should inform the Editor of the reasons why they wish to publish their work in parts.