不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (ISSN-0377-4929)The Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology is the official Quarterly publication of the Indian Association of Pathologists and Microbiologists. It had completed 50 glorious years in the year 2007. Late Dr Vanmali Saran Maglik of King George Medical College, Lucknow is the founder editor who started the journal in the year 1958. Initially the journal was called Indian Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology and the present name is in existence from the year 1965. The journal grew over the years under the able guidance of stalwarts like Late Dr HI Jhala, Late Dr V Ramalingaswamy, Dr HD Tandon, Late Dr BK Aikat and Late Dr S Nagalotimath. The present form is due to the untiring efforts of Dr KS Ratnakar, Dr VH Talib, Dr SK Shahi and Dr Harsh Mohan. The journal is widely read and is in almost all the libraries of the country and in many institutions outside the country. From the year 2008, the article submission, review, correspondence and publication process has been made online (www.journalonweb.com/ijpm). Now the journal has its own website (www.ijpmonline.org). With these changes the visibility and popularity of the journal has tremendously increased. Dr S Satyanarayana is the present editor of the journal.Abstracting and Indexing InformationThe journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:Baidu Scholar, CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure), EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases, Ex Libris – Primo Central, Google Scholar, Hinari, Infotrieve, National Science Library, ProQuest, TdNet, Wanfang DataThe journal is indexed with, or included in, the following:DOAJ, EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Indian Science Abstracts, IndMed, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Scimago Journal Ranking, SCOPUS, Science Citation Index Expanded, Web of ScienceImpact Factor? as reported in the 2017 Journal Citation Reports? (Clarivate Analytics, 2018): 0.529Journal EthicsWolters Kluwer and Journal/Association are committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We follow closely the industry associations, such as the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), that set standards and provide guidelines for best practices in order to meet these requirements. For a summary of our specific policies regarding duplicate publication, conflicts of interest, patient consent, etc., please visit www.Medknow.com/EthicalGuidelines.asp
印度病理学和微生物学杂志(ISSN-0377-4929)《印度病理学和微生物学杂志》是印度病理学家和微生物学家协会的官方季刊。它在2007年完成了50年的辉煌历程。已故的乔治国王医学院的Vanmali Saran Maglik博士是1958年创办该杂志的创始人编辑。最初,该杂志被称为印度病理学和细菌学杂志,现在的名字是存在于1965年。多年来,《华尔街日报》在哈希·哈拉(HI Jhala)博士、V·拉马林加斯瓦米(V Ramalingaswamy)博士、HD Tandon博士、BK Aikat博士和S Nagalotimath博士等中坚分子的干将指导下不断发展壮大。目前的形式是由于KS Ratnakar博士、VH Talib博士、SK Shahi博士和Harsh Mohan博士的不懈努力。该杂志被广泛阅读,在该国几乎所有的图书馆和国外的许多机构都有。从2008年开始,文章的提交、评审、通信和出版过程都在网上进行(www.journalonweb.com/ijpm)。现在该杂志有了自己的网站(www.ijpmonline.org)。随着这些变化,该期刊的知名度和受欢迎程度都有了极大的提高。Satyanarayana博士是该杂志的现任编辑。抽象和索引信息该期刊注册了以下文摘合作伙伴:百度学者,CNKI, EBSCO出版电子数据库,Ex Libris - Primo Central,谷歌学者,Hinari, Infotrieve,国家科学图书馆,ProQuest, TdNet,万方数据期刊采用或包括下列索引:DOAJ, EMBASE/节选Medica,印度科学文摘,IndMed, MEDLINE/Index Medicus, Scimago期刊排名,SCOPUS,科学引文索引扩展,科学网络影响因子?在2017年期刊引文报告?(Clarivate Analytics, 2018)中报道:0.529期刊伦理Wolters Kluwer和Journal/Association致力于在出版过程的所有阶段满足和维护道德行为标准。我们密切关注行业协会,如出版伦理委员会(cope)、国际医学期刊编辑委员会(icmje)和世界医学编辑协会(wame),制定标准并提供最佳实践指南,以满足这些要求。有关我们关于重复出版、利益冲突、患者同意等具体政策的摘要,请访问www.medknow.com/ethicalguidelines.asp。