不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。Boundary-Layer Meteorology publishes several types of articles, which are detailed below. Please use this guidance to select the most appropriate category for your submission.Research Articles are scientific articles that present results from substantial research studies or critical reviews of ongoing research. Articles in this category are generally no more than 30 journal pages long, with a maximum of 15 figures. An article may be accompanied by a limited amount of supplementary online material when necessary, as rigorously prepared and edited as is the main article. Time from initial submission to online publication is typically six to 12 months, with initial reviews obtained within two to three months.Research Letters comprise short articles requiring rapid dissemination. They are designed to present (i) new findings of timely and compelling interest to the boundary-layer meteorological research community; (ii) notable early results from experimental, observational, model, and theoretical studies that are specifically suitable for brief communication; (iii) preliminary research findings likely to be highly valuable to the scientific community; (iv) significant extensions of earlier work. Letters are limited in size to five journal pages, can include no more than three figures, and must not include supplementary electronic material. Time from initial submission to online publication is typically three to six months, with initial reviews obtained within one month. Revised manuscripts must be returned within one month. If any of the special criteria are not met, the submitted article may be considered for publication as a Research Article or Note. Authors submitting Research Letters must include a note to the Editors justifying the need for rapid publication in view of the above criteria.Notes and Comments category comprises short articles and comments on specific topics with no requirement for rapid publication. Notes might include reports on incomplete research or revisits of earlier published work. Alternatively, the article in this category might be a comment on a published Research Letter, Research Article, or Note with a possible subsequent reply. Articles in Notes and Comments are limited to 10 journal pages and must include no more than five figures. A limited amount of supplementary online material may be included. The processing times for Notes and Comments are the same as for Research Articles.