不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。Journal descriptionThe BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA (BIP), ISSN 0046-9939(print) and ISSN 1678-2305 (online), site: http://www.pesca.sp.gov.br/siteOficialBoletim.php, is currently ranked at WEBQUALISas B1 in Animal Science/Fisheries Resources, Environmental Sciences and Food Sciences and as B2: Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Sciences I. Its impact factor in JCR is 0.525. The electronic files containing the original and other required documents should be sent to the Editorial Board of Instituto de Pesca, by e-mail: ceipboletim@gmail.com. The BIP is intended to publish original documents (scientific articles and scientific notes) that contribute to the expansion of knowledge in fisheries (fishing technology, fisheries biology, sociology and economy fishing), aquaculture, aquatic ecology, technology and fish inspection and pathology of aquatic organisms. A volume is published annually with the relevant number of issues. The evaluation process used by the Editorial Board of Instituto de Pesca is the system by peers "blind review", ie confidentiality of the identity of both authors and reviewers, which will be maintained throughout the process. The journal also accepts and encourages submissions of articles written in English or Spanish. In case of non-native authors from countries that speak these languages, the article must be reviewed by a specialist who himself Editorial Board of Instituto de Pescamay indicate. All paper submitted to the BIP will be evaluated preliminarily by the Editorial Boardand, if overcome this initial screening will be sent to two expert reviewers in the covered area. The publication will be made only with the approval of the document by the reviewers, being the Editorial Board of Instituto de Pescafinal decision accepted. The selection of items will be based on originality, quality and scientific merit. The Editorial Board will take care that the reviewers of each article are compulsorily of different institutions of origin of those authors. The Boletim do Instituto de Pesca has a tracking policy for plagiarism. Items that are detected will be automatically denied and returned. The Boletim do Instituto de Pesca uses the software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. The software checks content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database. It generates a similarity report, highlighting the percentage of overlap between the uploaded article and the published material. Any instance of content overlap is further scrutinized for suspected plagiarism according to the publisher’s Editorial Policies. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca allows an overall similarity of 20% for a manuscript to be considered for publication. The views expressed in the papers are the sole responsibility of their authors. The original Boletim do Instituto de Pesca reserves the right to make minor adjustments in order to maintain the uniformity of publication.
期刊描述:BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA (BIP), ISSN 0046-9939(印刷版)和ISSN 1678-2305(网络版),网址:http://www.pesca.sp.gov.br/siteOficialBoletim.php,目前在动物科学/渔业资源、环境科学和食品科学领域被评为WEBQUALISas B1,在兽医学和农业科学领域被评为B2。载有原件和其他所需文件的电子文件应通过电子邮件:ceipboletim@gmail.com发送至西班牙佩斯卡学院编辑委员会。BIP的目的是出版有助于扩大渔业知识(渔业技术、渔业生物学、社会学和经济渔业)、水产养殖、水产生态学、技术和鱼类检查以及水产生物病理学的原始文件(科学文章和科学说明)。每年出版一卷,附有关问题的数目。西班牙佩斯卡学院编辑委员会使用的评价程序是同行的“盲审”制度,即对作者和审稿人的身份保密,这一制度将贯穿整个过程。该杂志还接受并鼓励提交用英语或西班牙语撰写的文章。如果非母语作者来自说这些语言的国家,这篇文章必须由一名专家审查,他本人也是佩斯卡梅研究所的编辑委员会成员。所有提交给BIP的论文将由编辑委员会进行初步评估,如果通过了这一初步筛选,将发送给覆盖领域的两名专家审稿人。只有经审稿人同意,即接受法国科学院的编辑委员会的决定,才可出版。项目的选择将基于原创性、质量和科学价值。编辑委员会将确保每一篇文章的审稿人都是来自这些作者的不同机构的强制审稿人。Boletim do Instituto de Pesca对剽窃行为有跟踪政策。检测到的项将被自动拒绝并返回。Boletim do Instituto de Pesca使用该软件检测提交的手稿中重叠和相似的文本。该软件根据期刊数据库、互联网和综合文章数据库检查内容。它生成一个相似性报告,突出显示上传的文章和发布的材料之间重叠的百分比。根据出版商的编辑政策,任何内容重叠的情况都将被进一步审查,以确定是否存在剽窃嫌疑。Boletim do Instituto de Pesca允许考虑出版的手稿的总体相似性为20%。在论文中表达的观点是作者的唯一责任。原来的Boletim do Instituto de Pesca保留作出微小调整的权利,以保持出版的一致性。