不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The Journal of Anthropological Research publishes substantive articles emphasizing theoretically informed, broadly contextualized, original research in all areas of anthropology relating to peoples and cultures, past and present, in any region. It provides a peer-reviewed vehicle of expression for anthropologists worldwide.Volunteered articles should be problem-oriented and of general interest. The journal does not publish short, purely descriptive reports.To submit your manuscript for publication consideration, please use JAR's Editorial Manager system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/ucp-jar. A cover letter must be attached to the submission explaining why the manuscript is suitable for JAR. Manuscripts with no cover letter will be returned.Manuscripts, not to exceed 30 double-spaced pages of text (exclusive of abstract, limited endnotes, and references), must be produced for 8?x11 inch or A4 paper with at least one-inch (2.5 cm) margins on all sides. All material (including text, abstract, tables, figure captions, quotations, references, and endnotes) must be double-spaced and printed using no smaller than 12-point (12 characters/spaces per inch) typeface. Each submission must include 6-8 keywords and an abstract, not to exceed 150 words. Please also be sure to provide pagination.Put figure captions and tables at the end of the manuscript, after the references. Do not incorporate graphics boxes or characters in the file: non-European languages must be in Latin rather than phonetic letters, and symbols or equations must be in standard text fonts rather than graphic format. Please turn off all special formatting: no "widow/orphan" protection, no end-of-line hyphenation, no headers or footers other than simple pagination.Bibliographical references must be formatted according to the Journal of Anthropological Research Style Guide. References are included in the text by citing the author’s last name, date of source, and page or inclusive pages: e.g., (Boas 1910:274). Short quotations of 2–3 lines should be enclosed in quotation marks and incorporated in the text; longer ones should be in separate, indented paragraphs. All items cited in the text—and only those items—are to be included in the list of references.Acknowledgements must include information on any grant funding, and auxiliary comments or information should be placed at the end of the text using Word's "Endnote" option. Notes must not exceed two double-spaced pages.Tables must be cited individually, and consecutively, within the text. They must be titled, numbered, and typed on a separate page. Figures, including maps and other illustrative material, must be numbered and cited consecutively in the text. Illustrative material, including lettering, must be professionally prepared and in camera-ready form (see Manuscript Preparation - General). Tables, illustrations and labels must be legible when scaled to the journal's 7.5 x 4.5 inch (19x11.5 cm) trim size. Do not embed tables and figures within the body of the text. Do not use PowerPoint-like slides as figures. Images in the digital edition are rendered in color; however, for the print edition all images must be clear and legible when printed in black and white. Anonymous referees' comments are sent to authors at the Editor's discretion. The Editor may require certain corrections and alterations prior to final acceptance. Authors will be required to assign copyright to the University of New Mexico. For more information see our page on Authors' Rights.
《人类学研究杂志》发表了大量的文章,强调在任何区域的过去和现在与民族和文化有关的人类学的所有领域中,在理论上有见地、有广泛背景的原创研究。它为世界各地的人类学家提供了一种同行评议的表达工具。志愿者的文章应该以问题为导向,并具有普遍的兴趣。该杂志不发表简短的、纯描述性的报告。请使用JAR的编辑管理器系统https://www.editorialmanager.com/ucp-jar提交您的稿件以供参考。投稿时必须附上一封求职信,解释为什么该稿件适合JAR。没有附信的稿件将被退回。手稿,双倍行距不超过30页的文本(独家抽象的、有限的尾注和引用),必须产生8?x11英寸或A4纸利润率至少1英寸(2.5厘米)。所有材料(包括文本、摘要、表格、图表说明、引文、参考文献和尾注)必须是双倍行距的,并且使用不小于12点(每英寸12个字符/空格)的字体打印。每篇论文必须包含6-8个关键词和一个摘要,字数不超过150字。请务必提供分页。在参考文献之后,在手稿的末尾加上数字说明和表格。不要在文件中包含图形框或字符:非欧洲语言必须是拉丁文而不是音标字母,符号或方程必须是标准文本字体而不是图形格式。请关闭所有特殊格式:没有“寡妇/孤儿”保护,没有行尾连字符,没有页眉或页脚,只有简单的分页。参考书目必须按照《人类学研究风格指南》的期刊格式编排。参考文献包括在文本中,引用作者的姓、来源日期和页数或包含页数:例如(Boas 1910:274)。2-3行简短的引语要用引号括起来,并包含在正文中;较长的段落应该放在单独的、缩进的段落中。文本中引用的所有项目(只有那些项目)都将包括在引用列表中。致谢必须包括有关任何资助的资料,并应使用Word的“Endnote”选项将辅助评论或资料放在正文的末尾。备注不得超过两页双倍行距。表必须在文本中单独引用,并连续引用。它们必须有标题、编号并在单独的页面上键入。数字,包括地图和其他说明性材料,必须在文本中编号并连续引用。说明性材料,包括字体,必须专业准备和相机准备的形式(见手稿准备-一般)。表格,插图和标签必须清晰易读,当缩放到7.5×4.5英寸(19x11.5厘米)的期刊修剪尺寸。不要在正文中嵌入表和图形。不要使用powerpoint之类的幻灯片作为图形。数码版的图像以彩色呈现;然而,对于印刷版,所有图像必须清晰易读时,打印在黑色和白色。匿名审稿人的评论将根据编辑的判断发送给作者。编辑可能需要在最终接受前进行某些修改。作者将被要求将版权转让给新墨西哥大学。有关更多信息,请查看我们的作者权利页面。