不成功退款,无后顾之忧,风险服务升级。The Economic & Labour Relations Review is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that aims to bring together research in economics and labour relations in a multi-disciplinary approach to policy questions. The journal encourages articles that critically assess dominant orthodoxies, as well as alternative models, thereby facilitating informed debate. It particularly encourages articles that adopt a heterodox approach to economics, or that explore rights-, equality- or justice-based approaches to labour relations or social policy.Submissions must be research-based and demonstrate high standards of scholarship. At the same time they must be clear, accessible to the well-informed lay reader and free from jargon. Each submission must articulate clearly the question being explored, and its relevance to an international readership, or to a current policy or theoretical debate. The theoretical, methodological or empirical approach to addressing that question must be outlined. In general an article must make an original contribution to theory or policy by: Developing a new concept or theory and explaining its derivation and policy or empirical implications; or Using a systematic analysis or mapping of a literature in order to provide a new critical perspective or write a ‘position paper’ on current debates or relevant policy issues ; or Using a literature review to derive a researchable question and then use empirical analysis to test an explanatory model that seeks to answer it. Authors are expected to build on work published in the journal wherever possible, by reading past issues of the journal in order to engage with debates and themes that are relevant to their submission.The 8000 word limit includes the title, abstract, keywords, text, references, notes, tables, figures, matrices and author biographies. Quantitative articles need to report only those results that help build the overall argument. Additional results and analysis such as additional descriptive statistics and correlation matrixes, full details of factor analysis, regression models and sensitivity analyses, can be published on the journal website as supplementary files, and will be used by the editor and referees to evaluate the MS. Submissions must be edited in UK English and in journal house style.
《经济与劳动关系评论》(Economic & Labour Relations Review)是一份双盲、同行评议的期刊,旨在用多学科的方法研究政策问题,将经济学和劳动关系的研究结合起来。《华尔街日报》鼓励发表文章,批判性地评估主流正统观点,以及其他模式,从而促进知情的辩论。它特别鼓励对经济学采取非正统方法的文章,或探讨对劳资关系或社会政策采取基于权利、平等或正义的方法的文章。提交的论文必须以研究为基础,并显示出高水平的奖学金。与此同时,它们必须是清晰的,为消息灵通的外行读者所理解,并且不使用行话。每一份意见书都必须清楚地阐明正在探讨的问题,以及它与国际读者的关系,或与当前的政策或理论辩论的关系。必须概述解决这一问题的理论、方法或经验方法。一般来说,一篇文章必须对理论或政策作出原创性的贡献:发展新的概念或理论,并解释其来源、政策或经验意义;或对文献进行系统分析或制图,以提供新的批评视角,或就当前的辩论或相关政策问题撰写“立场文件”;或使用文献综述得出一个可研究的问题,然后使用实证分析来测试一个寻求答案的解释模型。作者被期望尽可能在期刊上发表的作品的基础上,通过阅读过去的期刊,以便参与与他们提交的论文相关的辩论和主题。8000字的字数限制包括标题、摘要、关键词、正文、参考文献、注释、表格、数字、矩阵和作者传记。定量文章只需要报告那些有助于构建整体论点的结果。额外的结果和分析如附加的描述性统计和相关矩阵,详细的因子分析,回归模型和敏感性分析,可以在《华尔街日报》网站上发布补充文件,并将使用的编辑器和裁判评价女士提交必须在期刊编辑在英国英语和房子的风格。