Critical Sociology

Critical Sociology

  • 期刊ISSN:0896-9205
  • 影响因子:1.481
  • 是否OA:No
Critical Sociology简介 Magazine introduction
  • 英文简介

    "At a time when many are buried in narrow crevices of knowledge, Critical Sociology has the boldness and courage to take on the ‘big questions’. For those who would break out of the straitjacket of the methodological imperative Critical Sociology is a necessary and vital forum for alternative ideas." Stanley Aronowitz, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Graduate Center, City University of New York, USA"Critical Sociology provides in-depth symposia and challenging articles on current issues in mainstream and critical sociological inquiry." Robert Perrucci, Past President of SSSP and Professor of Sociology, Purdue University, USA"Critical Sociology offers a much-needed forum for research on alternatives to our capitalist/racist system that isn't cautiously concerned with pleasing the establishment. Thank goodness it exists!" Edna Bonacich, Chair of the Political Economy of the World System section of ASA, and Professor of Sociology, University of California, Riverside, USA"Without critique sociology is lost, and Critical Sociology delivers this in spades - it is a pillar of our discipline." Michael Burawoy, Past President of ASA, and Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley, USA"Publishing insightful and careful work from left perspectives, including those of feminists, Critical Sociology is an essential scholarly resource for sociologists and others committed to knowledge that helps to confront pervasive societal problems." Joan Acker, recipient of the ASA Career of Distinguished Scholarship Award and the ASA Jessie Bernard Award, and Professor of Sociology, University of Oregon, USA"Critical Sociology continues in its great tradition of bringing new ideas to the forefront and keeping the mainstream on its toes." G. William Domhoff, Research Professor in Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, USACritical Sociology is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research. For over three decades Critical Sociology has been a leading voice of sociological analysis from a political economy perspective. This journal is a must for sociologists and anyone else seeking to understand the most pressing issues of the day as they are informed by race, class and gender.Originally published as the Insurgent Sociologist, formed as a result of the social action of the 1960s "Sociology Liberation Movement" which erupted at the 1969 meetings of the American Sociological Association, Critical Sociology has been committed to publishing scholarship from a Marxist, post-Marxist, Feminist, and other critical perspectives. Its current editorial mission is to encourage scholarship that seeks to understand contemporary Capitalist society.Today the journal remains one of the few sources of critical research on a wide range of topics within sociology, and increasingly from an international perspective. Recent articles on globalization, economic development, religion, the environment, labor movements, social policy, and the sociology of work reflect the journal's commitment to a broad range of topics, all linked by common goals of critically examining how society functions and of exploring the potential for progressive social change.In addition, special issues and thematic symposia enable Critical Sociology to engage in a discussion about contemporary issues through groundbreaking and important new scholarship. Recent examples include: The Labor Movement in a New Globalized Environment, 2000 (26:1/2) Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, 2002 (28:1/2) Gender, Globalization and Work Restructuring, 2004 (30:1) Culture, Power and History, 2004 (30:2) Religion and Marxism, 2005 (31:1/2) Public Sociology, 2005 (31:3) Neo-liberal Crises and the Resurgent Left in Latin America, 2006 (32:1) Racism and Anti-Racism, 2006 (32:2/3) Patterns of Work and Organization in Germany, 2007 (33:1/2)

  • 中文简介

    “在许多人被掩埋在狭隘的知识缝中的时候,批判性社会学有勇气大胆地回答“大问题”。对于那些想摆脱方法论束缚的人来说,批判性社会学是一个替代思想的必要而重要的论坛。”美国纽约城市大学研究生中心社会学杰出教授斯坦利·阿诺维茨说。“批判性社会学为主流和批判性社会学研究中的当前问题提供了深入的讨论和具有挑战性的文章。”美国普渡大学社会学教授、SSSP前任主席罗伯特·佩鲁奇说。“批判性社会学为研究资本主义/种族主义制度的替代方案提供了一个非常必要的论坛,而这种制度并不谨慎地关注取悦当权者。谢天谢地,它确实存在!”Edna Bonacich,ASA世界体系部政治经济学主席,美国加州大学河滨分校社会学教授。“没有批判,社会学就失去了,批判社会学用黑桃语表达了这一点——它是我们学科的支柱。”美国社会科学协会(ASA)前主席、美国伯克利加州大学(University of California,Berkeley,USA)社会学教授迈克尔·布劳伊(Michael Burawoy)说。“从左派的角度,包括女权主义者的角度,发表富有洞察力和细心的工作,批判性社会学是社会学家和其他致力于知识的人的一个重要的学术资源,有助于解决普遍存在的社会问题。”美国社会科学协会杰出奖学金获得者琼·阿克和美国社会科学协会杰西·贝尔NARD奖,美国俄勒冈大学社会学教授“批判性社会学的伟大传统是将新思想带到最前沿,并使主流时刻处于萌芽状态。”美国圣克鲁斯加州大学社会学研究教授G.William Domhoff说。《批判社会学》是一本国际同行评议的期刊,发表了最高质量的原创研究。三十多年来,批判社会学一直是政治经济学视角下社会学分析的主导声音。社会学家和任何想了解当今最紧迫问题的人都必须阅读这本杂志,因为他们了解种族、阶级和性别。批判社会学最初以叛乱分子社会学家的身份出版,是20世纪60年代美国社会学协会1969年会议爆发的“社会学解放运动”的社会行动的结果,批判社会学致力于从马克思主义、后马克思主义、女权主义者和其他批判角度出版学术著作。它目前的编辑任务是鼓励学者去了解当代资本主义社会。今天,《华尔街日报》仍然是社会学领域内对广泛主题进行批判性研究的少数来源之一,而且越来越多地从国际角度进行研究。最近有关全球化、经济发展、宗教、环境、劳工运动、社会政策和工作社会学的文章反映了《华尔街日报》对广泛主题的承诺,所有这些都与批判性地审视社会如何运作和探索渐进式社会变革潜力的共同目标相联系。此外,特别议题和专题讨论会使批判性社会学能够通过开创性的和重要的新的学术成果参与当代议题的讨论。最近的例子包括:2000年新全球化环境下的劳工运动(26:1/2)《关键种族和民族研究》,2002年(28:1/2)性别、全球化和工作重组,2004年(30:1)文化、权力与历史,2004(30:2)宗教与马克思主义,2005(31:1/2)公共社会学,2005(31:3)2006年拉丁美洲新自由主义危机与复兴左派(32:1)种族主义和反种族主义,2006(32:2/3)2007年德国的工作和组织模式(33:1/2)

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