来源:SCI期刊网 分类:SCI论文发表 时间:2024-09-27 11:52 热度:6213
jmrt期刊是sci几区的期刊?jmrt是Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T的缩写,属于sci4区的期刊,经查询,jmrt期刊是sci4区期刊。sci期刊根据影响因子的高低划分为1区、2区、3区、4区期刊,分区越靠前说明期刊学术水平越高。
Journal of Materials Research (JMR) publishes the latest advances about the creation of new materials and materials with novel functionalities, fundamental understanding of processes that control the response of materials, and development of materials with significant performance improvements relative to state of the art materials. JMR welcomes papers that highlight novel processing techniques, the application and development of new analytical tools, and interpretation of fundamental materials science to achieve enhanced materials properties and uses. Materials research papers in the following topical areas are welcome.
• Novel materials discovery
• Electronic, photonic and magnetic materials
• Energy Conversion and storage materials
• New thermal and structural materials
• Soft materials
• Biomaterials and related topics
• Nanoscale science and technology
• Advances in materials characterization methods and techniques
• Computational materials science, modeling and theory