来源:SCI期刊网 分类:论文发表指南 时间:2024-07-20 10:20 热度:801
1. 我们报道…:We report …; We describe …; In this paper we report …
2. 本文报道(介绍) …: …is / are presented / reported /described.
3. 本文讨论了 …:is / are discussed.
4. 报告了…的现状:The present situation of … is reported / presented.
5. 综述了…:is reviewed.
6. 调查了…:was investigated.
7. 对…进行了试验:Experiment was done / performed on …
8. 研究了…:…was studied / investigated. / Research was made in …
1. 已有报道 …:… were reported.
2. 有记载 …:… has been recorded.
3. 已证明 …:There is evidence that … / It has been proved that …
1. 为了 …: to / in order to + 动词(常用动词有study, investigate, evaluate, observe, clarify, understand, examine, substantiate, inquire into, elucidate, etc.); In an effort / attempt to + 动词
2. 为了探讨 …:In order to explore …
3. 为了弄清 … 的关系:To find out the relationship between … and …
4. 本研究旨在:The purpose / objective / aim of this study was … / This study aimed at … / The study was designed to …
5. 本研究的主要目的是 …:The primary purpose of this study was to …
6. 主语 + 谓语 + for the purpose of …
7. 表示“研究”的词语: study, investigation, research, approach
(非)实验研究:(non)exprimental study
比较研究:comparative study
回顾性研究:retrospective study
前瞻性研究:prospective study
单 / 双盲交叉研究:a single- / double-blind, crossover study
随机控制性研究:randomized, controlled study
双盲随机研究:double-blind randomized study
1. 研究过程的持续时间
近10年来 …:during / over the past ten years
在过去的10年中 …: in the past ten years
在为期10年中:during / over / in a ten-year period
在2005——1015年期间:during / in the period of 2005——2015; during / in the 2005——2015 period
从2014年1月至2016年12月:from January 2014 to December 2016; between January 2014 and December 2016
2. 检查和手术治疗
我们对…患者做了…检查 / 手术:… was done / performed / carried out in / on … patients …;
… 患者做了…检查 / 手术: patients underwent …
3. 研究方法
用…法:using / employing …; by / with / through …; … was used / employed / applied to do …
4. 有关“剂量”的表达
每次剂量:in a dose; each dose
每天剂量:daily dosage; the dosage in a day
首次剂量:the initial dose / dosage
总剂量:the / a total dose / dosage (of)
5. 有关疗效的表达
疗效:curative effect, therapeutic effect, effectiveness, efficacy of the treatment / drug
疗效高:high efficacy
疗效好:good therapeutic / curative effect / result; respond well to …